
June 15, 2005
Dear Rick,
I must say that when I first saw your name on the envelope, I didn’t recognize it at all. But after I read your letter and thought for a while, I remembered you. I recall your efforts to convince me that science fiction is as worthy a form of literature as any other. I also recall that you were one of my better students. As for your classmates, I remember the names vaguely. If you described them to me, I would no doubt be able to recollect them with greater clarity.
I am still teaching, and enjoying it very much. My current students don’t appreciate me as much as I think they should, but doubtless it’s harder to see a teacher’s good side when she is busy giving you homework and tests. I am very pleased to hear that you and your classmates enjoyed my class. There’s nothing that a teacher loves to hear more.
If you are ever in the area, please drop by and visit.
Sincerely yours,
Margaret Nelson

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