

Mastro Antonio was a carpenter. He had a red nose that looked like a cherry, so everyone called him Mastro Cherry. One day, Mastro Cherry was making a table. He found a piece of wood and hit it with his ax. The wood cried out, Please don’t hurt me. Mastro Cherry looked around.Who was talking? he wondered.   所有故事内容均礼聘美籍专家编撰,原汁原味,由赖世雄老师提纲规范句型及用字深度,由浅入深。(本书属于高级) 初级:一律采用现在式单句写作,句型简单易学,偶用连接词,延伸句意,增进故事流畅性。 中级:开始加入其它时态写作。另外辅以连接词的运用,逐渐提升小朋友的阅读能力。 高级:改采一般时态,切合正式写作应有的正确时态,惟句型力求简洁顺畅,方便小朋友模仿学习。
