Is It Good|这么做过头了吗?

Is It Good

 to Show a Lot of Interest in Other People?



  I believe that showing interest in others is quite important. By expressing interest in others, you show them that you care about them and you want to know more about their lives. On the other hand, if you are indifferent to them, they will think you do not care about them or value their friendship. Being indifferent to people makes it difficult to develop good friendships and can lead to a lonely, boring life.

  Although showing interest in others is important, people sometimes go too far. People don't like to be asked too many personal questions. For example, it is rude to comment on certain things like people's weight, how much money they make, or why they are not married yet. These topics can make people uncomfortable, and they might be offended by them. Therefore, it is important to remember that showing interest in people doesn't mean being too nosy. As long as you remember that you can be curious about people in a good way, you will certainly make many friends.





  Without question, it is far better to be interested in others than to show indifference toward them. Indifference should be reserved for people you either do not care about or dislike. The easiest way to make people not like you is to be aloof to them. If you think about it, you will realize that it is simple human nature. We like people who like us, and we are interested in those who are interested in us.

  When displaying your sincere interest in people, it's vital to remember, however, that you should respect their privacy. You don't want your questions to be an intrusion that disturbs people. Before asking what might be a question that invades someone's privacy, try to put yourself in his or her shoes. That way, you can determine if you would want to answer a question like this. All in all, as long as you avoid sensitive subjects, showing interest in people is a superb way to develop good relationships.





Is It Good|这么做过头了吗?
