The Woman Who Stole the World's Heart(b)|永远的王妃――黛安娜

The Woman Who Stole the World's Heart

by Brian Foden

Long after her death in a 1997 car crash, Diana's legacy lives on.

  Diana's marriage is perhaps best known for being a highly publicized failure of epic proportions. During that time, she threw herself into a variety of worthwhile causes that further endeared her to the British public and the rest of the world. Her charitable and humanitarian work included raising funds to fight homelessness, assisting children in poverty, and helping people living with AIDS. At a time when many had an intense fear of the disease, Diana touched and shook the hands of AIDS patients without hesitation, helping to dispel a myth that the deadly disease was contagious through any physical contact. Another one of her high-profile campaigns was the banning and uncovering of landmines in former war zones. She even went as far as to visit victims who lost limbs due to landmine accidents in Angola and Bosnia.

  The worldwide attention Diana drew to the initiatives she became involved in helped make a difference in the world. The unselfish charitable work she started continues today through the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund, which gives money to the campaign to stop landmines as well as support to refugees and sick people in Africa. Her remarkable legacy has been recognized several times. In 1999, for example, TIME magazine named her one of the 100 Most Important People of the 20th Century. A few years after that in 2002, a poll conducted by the BBC put her in third place on a list of the 100 Greatest Britons, a higher ranking than her former mother-in-law, Queen Elizabeth II.



黛安娜在 1997 年的一场车祸中丧生之后已过了许久,但她仍然活在人们心中。


  黛安娜为她参与的活动所引来世界各地的关注有助于让世界有所不同。她所创立的无私慈善事业透过『威尔斯王妃黛安娜纪念基金』延续至今,该组织会拨款给反地雷和支持非洲难民及病人的活动。她卓越的遗风多次受到认可。举例来说,《时代》杂志于 1999 年将她封为二十世纪最重要的百人之一。几年后,她在 2002 年于 BBC 进行的一场英国百大伟人民调中名列第三,名次比她前婆婆英国女王伊丽莎白二世还来得高。



The Woman Who Stole the World's Heart(b)|永远的王妃――黛安娜
