A New Set of Eyes|你是我的眼

by Marcus Maurice

Guide dogs can change a blind person's life for the better.

  Nearly a decade ago, Quill: The Life of a Guide Dog hit theaters and touched people's hearts. The plot was centered _(1)_ Quill, a very cute Labrador puppy that went to school to be a guide dog. After being _(2)_ trained, he was sent to live with a middle-aged blind man who was unhappy about having to be led around by a dog. Of course, the man finally came around and a strong _(3)_ developed between them.

  Historians believe that guide dogs have been around since ancient Roman times because a wall painting depicting one was found when Pompeii was excavated. Writings and artwork about guide dogs kept _(4)_ afterwards, but it wasn't until the end of World War I that they really became widely used. Dr. Gerhard Stalling got the idea to train dogs en masse when many soldiers returned from battle blinded by poison gas. In 1916, Dr. Stalling opened up the first school to train guide dogs in Germany and ended up training up _(5)_ 600 per year. Over the next 14 years, guide dog schools _(6)_ around the world, and thousands of visually impaired individuals had their lives transformed because they didn't need sighted people to take care of them at all times.

  For the first 18 months of guide dogs' lives, they are taught _(7)_ obedience. Then, they are sent to schools to be trained in advanced techniques like guiding _(8)_, where they learn to help their owners go right, left, backward, and forward. The most important thing the dogs are taught is avoiding _(9)_ because this can save a person's life. Finally, guide dogs are placed with _(10)_ owners, and they train together for a while to make sure they will be compatible for the rest of their lives.

(A) bond (B) spread (C) around (D) potential (E) to

(F) properly (G) obstacles (H) basic (I) appearing (J) directions





  历史学家认为导盲犬在古罗马时期就已存在,因为他们在挖掘庞贝城时发现了一幅描绘导盲犬的壁画。之后有关导盲犬的文章及艺术品不断出现,但一直到第一次世界大战结束牠们才被广泛使用。当时许多士兵由战场返家时都因为毒气而导致失明,于是杰拉德.史托林博士想出了将狗狗集中训练的点子。1916 年,史托林博士在德国成立了第一家训练导盲犬的学校,结果每年可以训练高达六百只的导盲犬。在接下来的十四年间,导盲犬学校扩张至全球各地,而且有数千名视障人士的人生为之改变,因为他们不一定要靠明眼人来照顾他们。



答案: 1. C 2. F 3. A 4. I 5. E

6. B 7. H 8. J 9. G 10. D



A New Set of Eyes|你是我的眼
