The Master of Suspense(b)|悬疑大师希区考克

The Master of Suspense

by William Ryan

One of the world's best directors liked to make people scared of doing simple things like showering.

  Alfred Hitchcock was a genius at creating memorable movies and TV shows, but in his highly successful career one film stands out from the rest—Psycho. Released in 1960, it became an overnight box office sensation. The famous shower scene in which a woman is violently stabbed to death sent shockwaves through the moviegoing public. Although the scene is quite violent, viewers do not actually see any stabbing, but there is plenty of blood. It was so haunting that people joked about being afraid to shower alone at home.

  The follow-up to Psycho was The Birds. This 1963 release was considered nearly as terrifying as his previous film. The strange story is about a wealthy woman in San Francisco who follows the man she is interested in to a small coastal town. Once she arrives, birds of all kinds begin attacking people there for no apparent reason. The horror slowly escalates as the birds increase in number and their attacks became more vicious.

  Another masterpiece, Vertigo, was released in 1958. It is one of Hitchcock's most highly acclaimed films. The plot involves a retired San Francisco detective played by the most famous actor of that time, James Stewart. Stewart plays a character who suffers from a fear of heights and who investigates the strange activities of an old friend's much-younger wife, whom he follows around and falls dangerously in love with.

  As mentioned earlier, the big screen wasn't the only place where Hitchcock excelled. Alfred Hitchcock Presents was a popular American TV series he produced and hosted. The 17 episodes contained elements of horror, comedy, suspense, and the supernatural. Truly, when Hitchcock died in 1980, the world lost a legend of both the film and television worlds.




  亚佛烈德.希区考克在打造令人难忘的电影和电视节目方面是个天才,但在他非常成功的生涯中,有一部电影比他其他的作品都来得杰出,那就是《惊魂记》。该片于 1960 年推出,当时造成一夕爆红。该片中有一幕著名的场景,一名女子在洗澡时被猛刺致死,这个画面让前往观看电影的人们震惊不已。虽然该场景相当暴力,但观众并没有真的看到任何刺杀的动作,看到的只有一大滩血。这个画面让人非常难忘,因此人们开玩笑说不敢一个人在家洗澡。

  继《惊魂记》之后,希区考克的下一部电影是《鸟》。这部于 1963 年推出的作品被认为几乎和他之前的电影一样可怕。这个奇怪的故事是有关于一位住在旧金山的有钱女士,她跟着喜欢的男士来到一个海边小镇。她一到达当地,所有的鸟便开始没来由地攻击人类。随着鸟的数量不断增加以及攻击变得更加猛烈,可怕的气氛也慢慢升高。

  希区考克的另一部杰作是 1958 年推出的《迷魂记》。该片是希区考克最受人赞扬的电影之一。该片的情节在讲述一位退休的旧金山刑警,而这个角色是由当时最有名的男演员詹姆斯.史都华饰演。史都华所扮演的角色患有惧高症,他在片中调查一位老朋友的年轻妻子奇怪的行动,他跟踪这位女士,结果却无法自拔地爱上了她。

就像之前提到的,大银幕并不是希区考克唯一擅长的地方。在《希区考克剧场》这部相当受欢迎的美国电视影集中,他身兼制作人和主持人。这部十七集的影集中包含了恐怖、喜剧、悬疑和超自然力量的元素。说真的,希区考克于 1980 年过世时,这个世界损失了一位电影及电视圈的传奇人物。





The Master of Suspense(b)|悬疑大师希区考克
