Beauty and the Bravery|美丽与勇气

Beauty and the Bravery

by Brian Foden

A Florida teenager tackles cancer through an inspirational attitude and a love of make-up.

  Years of cancer treatments have robbed Talia Joy Castellano of her hair. Instead of resorting to wigs to cover up her baldness, the _(1)_ 13-year-old girl has decided on a different approach—using make-up to highlight the natural beauty of her face. Castellano has even taken her love for the creative _(2)_ of make-up a step further by starting a video blog and uploading it onto YouTube. In her videos, _(3)_ have attracted millions of viewers, the teen gives advice on various make-up techniques and talks about her difficult experience with cancer.

  For nearly half of her young life, Castellano _(4)_ what it is like to live with a deadly, incurable disease. She was _(5)_ in February 2007 with neuroblastoma, which is a form of cancer that is characterized by a tumor that develops from immature nerve cells and occurs primarily in young children. Then, in the summer of 2012, while still suffering _(6)_ neuroblastoma, Castellano received more shocking and tragic news. Doctors told her that she had developed pre-leukemia, which is cancer of the blood or bone marrow. Despite receiving this even more terrifying news, Castellano keeps on filming and editing her video blog, and she's determined to remain _(7)_ by displaying bravery, wit, charm, and maturity far beyond her years. Even though the doctors predict that she only has months rather than years to live, Castellano continues to be an inspiration to us all.


1. (A) tentative (B) infinite (C) sufficient (D) courageous

2. (A) tuition (B) vegetation (C) application (D) accusation

3. (A) who (B) which (C) that (D) what

4. (A) has known (B) knows (C) knew (D) knowing

5. (A) reversed (B) diagnosed (C) speculated (D) implemented

6. (A) with (B) for (C) from (D) to

7. (A) positive (B) inevitable (C) exclusive (D) innumerable




  多年的癌症疗程夺走了塔莉亚‧乔依‧卡斯蒂拉诺的秀发。与其靠戴假发来遮掩秃头,这名勇敢的十三岁女孩反而决定采取不同的方式――运用化妆来强调她脸上的天生丽质。卡斯蒂拉诺甚至建立了一个影音部落格,并将它上传到 Youtube,如此一来她将本身对化妆品创意运用的热爱发挥得更淋漓尽致。在她那些吸引了数百万人次点阅的影片中,这名少女提供各种化妆技巧的建议,并侃侃而谈她抗癌的艰辛经验。

  在她将近一半的年轻生命中,卡斯蒂拉诺了解怎么和一种致命的不治之症共存。她在 2007 年二月被诊断出患有神经母细胞瘤,那是癌症的一种,其特性为未成熟的神经细胞发展出肿瘤,主要发生在幼童身上。接着,在 2012 年夏天,当卡斯蒂拉诺仍受神经母细胞瘤所苦,她接获一则更令人震惊且更悲惨的消息。医生告诉她她得了前期白血病,也就是血癌或骨髓癌。尽管得知这则更可怕的消息,卡斯蒂拉诺仍然继续拍摄影片和编辑她的影音部落格,而且她决心要保持乐观,展现出勇敢、机智、魅力以及远远超乎她年纪的成熟。虽然医生预估她只有几个月而不是几年可活,卡斯蒂拉诺会持续鼓舞我们每个人。


答案: 1. D 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B

6. C 7. A




Beauty and the Bravery|美丽与勇气
