Are Energy Drinks Good for You?|机能饮料的迷思

Are Energy Drinks Good for You?

by William Ryan

What looks like a harmless energy drink could be misleading.

  Based on current information, there is strong evidence that energy drinks might not be healthy, especially for children. Claims made by energy drink manufacturers may also be inaccurate. These drinks are loaded with sugar and caffeine, and the other ingredients which are supposed to enhance performance and concentration are of questionable merit. _(1)_ One study suggests energy drinks are no more effective than coffee.

  According to an article in the medical journal, Pediatrics, these drinks do not really increase energy or improve performance. _(2)_ Another cause for concern is that an estimated 30 to 50 percent of children drink these drinks regularly. _(3)_ Most energy drinks have three times more caffeine than sodas, and some contain up to 14 times more. Doctors stress that energy drinks that contain as much as 270 calories per serving should not be given to children. Particularly at risk are kids with heart problems, diabetes, and attention deficit disorders. The article further warns that children on medication for attention deficit disorders must absolutely avoid these beverages.

  Another aspect of the problem is that too many people are unaware that there is a major difference between energy drinks and sports drinks. _(4)_ Their main purpose is to replace these important substances, not to make athletes become faster or stronger.

  Some countries have begun tracking the effects of energy drinks on health, and some serious side effects have been noted. _(5)_ Hopefully these alarming findings will alert consumers, parents, and government health departments to the potential dangers of energy drinks.

(A) Not only are those claims false, energy drinks may actually be harmful.

(B) Although they do contain sugar, sports drinks contain nutrients and electrolytes, which are lost during strenuous exercise.

(C) Guarana, ginseng, and taurine are such ingredients, but there is no evidence to support the claims that they boost energy.

(D) Red Bull was even banned in Taiwan for a few years.

(E) Since caffeine generally disturbs children's sleep, energy drinks might even make children less energetic because they stay up late, and a lack of proper rest tires them out.

(F) Liver and respiratory disorders, accelerated heart rates, and seizures are among them.







答案: 1.   C   2.   A   3.   E   4.   B   5.   F


  机能饮料于二十多年前问世,在美国饮料市场中是销售成长最快的饮料,有三分之一的青少年及年轻人经常饮用机能饮料,2011 年该种类饮料的销售额达到九十亿美元。该宣传数据中声称,机能饮料会提供能量、增强耐力和注意力以及帮助减肥。但迈阿密大学医学院儿科系主任史帝芬‧理普舒兹(Steven Lipshultz)博士说,没有任何证据表明该种饮料具有这些医疗作用。相反的,机能饮料会带来严重的副作用,如癫痫发作、幻觉、心跳加速、胸痛及血压升高等。他建议儿科医生应当询问病人和他们的家长,确定孩子饮用机能饮料的情况,并应劝阻他们饮用。




Are Energy Drinks Good for You?|机能饮料的迷思
