Bhutan: A Nation of Difference(b)|不丹:与众不同的国度

  Bhutan has taken further action to improve well-being. In 2004, Bhutan was praised as the first nation to fully ban the use of tobacco products. However, this ban had some unintended results as people that got caught possessing and selling cigarettes were sent to prison. Under public pressure in 2012, this ban was amended and now people are allowed to import and use a certain number of tobacco products from other countries as long as they pay the duties. This hasn't stopped the black market for tobacco products, but at least it's made everyone a bit happier.

  Influenced from the outside, Bhutan is seeing a change in culture and living. Materialism is becoming a concern for the government, which wants to adhere to traditional living. There has been an increase in imports, especially cars, over the last few years. Some families have as many as four or five vehicles, with most unsuitable for driving on Bhutan's roads. The ability to have so many new things comes from an increase in tourism.

  Another lifestyle shift is more people are leaving the countryside to live in the city. With self-sustainability a big goal for Bhutan's future, it is no wonder the government is concerned about families giving up on farming. However, like all countries, Bhutan will find its own way to bring balance between the outside world and its valued traditions. Life may never be the same, but it has a chance at being even better.

     1.     What is the main idea of the article?

(A) Bhutan's new farming methods can be beneficial to the world.

(B) A change in the nation's GNH has the nation fearing for its citizens.

(C) Bhutan strives to be a more self-reliant and healthy nation by implementing changes.

(D) Trends in Bhutan make people unhappy and call for government action.

     2.     In the 2010 survey, what were the results of Bhutan's GNH?

(A) A little less than half of the people who took the survey were considered happy.

(B) A little over half of the survey participants were considered happy.

(C) Nearly all the citizens of Bhutan were in the happy category of the survey.

(D) Only a quarter of the people surveyed in 2010 were considered to be happy.

     3.     What happened in 2004?

(A) Bhutan became the biggest producer of tobacco in the world.

(B) Bhutan reorganized its government and is now no longer considered a kingdom.

(C) Bhutan allowed the Internet into the country for the first time ever.

(D) Bhutan's government imposed a ban on smoking and selling tobacco.

     4.     Which is NOT a concern mentioned for the Bhutanese government?

(A) An increase in possessions and wanting more than is needed for a traditional life.

(B) Why large numbers of people are moving to locations outside of Bhutan at a high pace.

(C) How to remain self-reliant when there are fewer people interested in farming.

(D) How to balance traditional ways with the influences of foreign countries.

  不丹已采取进一步的行动以增进人民福祉。2004 年,不丹被誉为第一个全面禁止使用烟草产品的国家。然而,由于人民被逮到持有及贩卖香烟而被送进牢里,使得该禁令有了一些意想不到的结果。2012 年,在舆论压力下,此一禁令进行了修改,当今人民获准进口及使用来自其他国家一定数量的烟草产品,只要他们缴纳税款即可。虽然这并未阻止黑市对烟草产品的贩卖,但至少让大家都开心一点。



答案: 1.   C   2.   A   3.   D   4.   B






Bhutan: A Nation of Difference(b)|不丹:与众不同的国度
