
1. The Chairman proposed that the meeting ______ until next Friday because a typhoon was approaching.

(A) must put off

(B) must be put off

(C) put off

(D) be put off

1. 因为台风即将到来,所以主席建议会议应延期到下星期五。

a. 表“建议"、“要求"、“命令"、“规定"等动词称为意志动词,之后接 that 从句作宾语时,从句中恒有助动词 should,而 should 往往可予省略,保留原形动词。

建议: propose、suggest

要求: require、request、insist、demand

命令: order

规定: rule

例: The teacher required that every student (should) be quiet.


b. 原题空格前有 proposed (建议),空格内应置入 (should) be put off (被延期),故(D)应为正选。

