The Tale of Peter Rabbit's Author(b)|波特小姐的异想世界

The Tale of Peter Rabbit's Author

by Paul Hines

Beatrix Potter's magical childhood inspired a much-loved series of children's books.

  Beatrix Potter originally created The Tale of Peter Rabbit in 1893, although it wasn't until 1901, when she was 35, that 250 black and white copies were printed for family and friends. This was because every publisher in England had rejected the manuscript. Even after the initial setbacks, Ms. Potter had the vision and tenacity to continue to approach publishers. Eventually, she agreed to use color illustrations and to make several changes to the story, resulting in the first book of the series appearing in bookstores in 1902. It was an immediate success, selling out reprint after reprint. Peter Rabbit books are now published in 36 languages, with sales approaching 50 million copies.

  Only a year after its astonishing debut, Beatrix Potter had not only sold over 58,000 copies but also created one of the world's first examples of merchandising. Her release of the equally successful Peter Rabbit doll, board game, and wallpaper, created a Peter Rabbit merchandise industry that continues to this very day. There are entire sections of toyshops and department stores that sell everything from Peter Rabbit confectionary and tableware to clothing and stationery. There are also computer games, jigsaw puzzles and garden ornaments.

  For those who can't get enough of Peter Rabbit, there is the Peter Rabbit Garden, located near Bowness-on-Windermere, the hometown of Beatrix Potter. Fans of the lovable rabbit can immerse themselves in the magical world as imagined by the author. Peter Rabbit's home has been carefully recreated and features every element from all 23 stories. Other attractions include picnic baskets filled with delicious treats and a tearoom serving mouth-watering meals inspired by the stories.




  碧雅翠丝‧波特原先于 1893 年创作出《彼得兔的故事》,不过一直到 1901 年,她三十五岁时,才印制了两百五十本附有黑白插图的故事书给亲友。这是因为当时英国每一家出版社都拒绝了她的手稿。即便在一开始受到挫折,波特小姐依然深怀远见且不屈不挠,持续不断地与出版社接触。最后,她同意使用彩色插图且在故事上做一些修改,结果这个系列的首部作品便于 1902 年在书店上架了。这本书一举成功,不断再版后仍然销售一空。彼得兔丛书现今被译成三十六种语言出版,销量逼近五千万册。







The Tale of Peter Rabbit's Author(b)|波特小姐的异想世界
