Paris Footbridge Laden with Love Locks Collapses|承受不了的爱

Paris Footbridge Laden with Love Locks Collapses

  Love can often weigh heavy on the heart. Now it seems that tokens of love can also be weighty enough to take down a bridge. According to authorities in Paris, thousands of padlocks attached to a metal grill on the Pont des Arts footbridge, over the Seine River, are responsible for the partial collapse of the bridge. The locks, left by couples, have been popping up on several of the city's bridges and are now posing a serious problem that needs to be addressed.

  Lovers inscribe their names or initials on the locks to symbolize enduring love and then toss the keys into rivers beneath the bridges. Even though the practice has been common in Serbia for at least 100 years, its popularity did not spread to the rest of Europe until the early 2000s.





Bulletproof Blankets: A Solution or a Delusion?

  The horrific school shootings and the bitter gun debate in the USA have inspired an Oklahoma podiatrist to create a novel solution that he claims will protect children from crazed gunmen: The Bodyguard Blanket from ProTecht. It is a 5/16-inch pad made from high-density plastic, which is said to shield children from light to moderate semiautomatic weapons. The blankets, priced at US$1,000, have been selling like crazy to parents desperate for any form of protection for their loved ones.

  Critics of the bulletproof blankets feel that it is foolish to believe they will be of any benefit against an attacker armed with a big gun. Sadly, until the US Congress finds a way to reduce the number of guns in circulation, people will be forced to defend themselves and their families any way they can. It remains to be seen as to whether bulletproof blankets are effective.


  在美国发生的可怕校园枪击案及有关枪枝使用的激烈争议促使一位奥克拉荷马州的足科医生打造了一种新颖的解决方案,他宣称这项产品将会保护孩子们免受那些疯狂的持枪歹徒所害,这项产品就是由 ProTecht 公司所推出的『保镳毯』。这是一块十六分之五英寸(编按:约零点七九公分)厚的垫子,是由高密度的塑胶所制成,据说可以保护儿童,其可对抗轻型到中型的半自动武器。这种要价一千美元的毯子已经造成那些渴望用各种方法来保护他们所爱的父母们疯狂抢购。





Paris Footbridge Laden with Love Locks Collapses|承受不了的爱
