My Lips Are Too Small! My Arms Are Too Fat!|过犹不及的美丽

My Lips Are Too Small! My Arms Are Too Fat!

My Nose Is Too Big!

by William Ryan

Even celebrities think they could look better.

  Brian Cuban made news when he disclosed he suffered from Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD). The corporate lawyer and brother of Dallas Mavericks' owner Mark Cuban became obsessed _(1)_ his non-existent gut and barely receding hairline. He remembers spending hours in front of the mirror _(2)_ checking his chest and abdomen to make sure he had not gained an ounce of fat. Brian's BDD-induced binge eating, compulsive exercising, excessive drinking, and drug abuse went _(3)_ for decades. Cuban's story has a happy ending, though. He _(4)_ his triumph over BDD in his memoir, Shattered Image: My Triumph Over Body Dysmorphic Disorder. BDD is not talked about openly enough, Cuban says, and he believes the story of his _(5)_ will prove helpful to others who suffer from the condition.

  Most people, no matter how handsome or beautiful they might be, are not entirely happy with their appearance. Most of us have something we don't like about our looks. Maybe it is a crooked nose or an uneven smile. While it is normal to want to look good, insecurity about one's appearance can go far beyond simple _(6)_ and become an obsession. BDD is the medical term for this chronic mental affliction that affects millions. People with BDD are preoccupied with some part of their body or some characteristic of it, _(7)_ they see as defective. The defect can be real or imagined as it may be just a slight imperfection or not exist at all. BDD _(8)_ starts during the teenage years and affects both sexes almost equally. BDD sufferers avoid social situations and often stay home from school or work. In severe cases, they do not go outside at all and can have _(9)_ thoughts. If you think you might be dealing with BDD, see a doctor or mental health provider, and hopefully therapy can help you _(10)_ this mental illness.

(A) on (B) vanity (C) recounts (D) obsessively (E) typically

(F) recovery (G) with (H) overcome (I) which (J) suicidal




  当布莱恩‧库班透露他患有身体丑陋恐惧症(简称 BDD)时让他上了新闻版面。这位企业律师,同时也是 NBA 达拉斯小牛队老板马克‧库班的弟弟,整天都为了他那根本不存在的肥胖肚子以及仅有些微后退的发际线而心神不宁。他记得曾在镜子前花了数小时着魔似地检视他的胸部和腹部,以确保自己没有增添一丝肥胖。布莱恩这种由 BDD 所诱发的暴饮暴食、强迫性运动、酗酒以及滥用药物的情况持续了好几十年。不过,库班的故事有一个圆满的结局。他在自传《破碎的形象:我战胜了身体丑陋恐惧症》当中详述他战胜了 BDD。库班表示,BDD 的公开讨论度不够高,他相信自身康复的故事将能证明对其他身患此症状的人有所助益。

  大多数人对于自己的外表并不会全然满意,无论他们长得有多帅气或美丽。我们大部份的人对于自己的容貌总有些不满意的地方。这有可能是鹰勾鼻亦或是笑起来不对称。虽然想要长得好看是很正常的,不过对自己的外表产生不安全感可能会远远超过单纯的虚荣心而成为一种偏执的情形。BDD 是代表这种影响了数百万人的慢性精神折磨的医学术语。罹患 BDD 的人会把全部的注意力放在自己身体的某个部位或是某个特征,而他们都视其为不完美。这种缺陷可能是真实的,也或许是想象的,因为它可能只是轻微的缺陷或者根本就不存在。一般而言,BDD 好发于青少年时期,且受影响的男女性比例几乎相等。BDD 的患者会避开社交场合,且放学或下班后经常待在家里。严重的情况下,他们根本足不出户,而且还可能会有轻生的念头。假使你认为你可能正面临着 BDD 的症状,去看看医生或心理健康专家吧,但愿透过治疗能帮助你克服这种心理疾病。

答案: 1. G 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. F

6. B 7. I 8. E 9. J 10. H



My Lips Are Too Small! My Arms Are Too Fat!|过犹不及的美丽
