
Nasty Gal's Sophia Amoruso Believes that Shoplifting Saved Her Life

  The first thing Sophia Amoruso, chief executive of Nasty Gal, sold on the Internet was something she had stolen. A misfit who grew up hating school, Amoruso left home at 17, intent on a life of anarchy and getting by for free in Olympia, Washington. She says she received a rude wake-up call one day when she was caught shoplifting, which she had been doing in order to support her lifestyle.

  "I learned the hard way that taking shortcuts and living for free is not really living free," Amoruso said. Now 30, Amoruso said that her early mistakes were crucial in helping her build Nasty Gal from a simple eBay store selling vintage items in 2006 to a US$100 million business.

  After the shoplifting incident in 2003, Amoruso moved to San Francisco, California. A community college drop-out, she developed a hernia and so started working as a security guard at an art school for health insurance. Bored, she decided to open an eBay store re-selling vintage clothing after reading a book called Starting an eBay Business for Dummies. She named her eBay store Nasty Gal Vintage, after a song and album by the jazz singer Betty Davis, second wife of the legendary Miles Davis.

  In her memoir, #GIRLBOSS, Amoruso said eBay was a crucial platform because she learned to respond to customer comments and really understand who was buying her products. A lesson that helped her beat other vintage sellers was to style her pieces on young models that would appeal to her targeted demographic. It also did not hurt that she paid the salary of the models with burgers from a local restaurant.




  阿莫鲁索说道:『我历经千辛万苦才领悟到抄捷径和白吃白喝并不是真正地自由过生活。』现年三十岁的阿莫鲁索说她早年的错误对于帮助她将《坏女孩》这个品牌从 2006 年销售复古服饰的 eBay 在线小店打造成营业额一亿美元的企业至关重要。

  在 2003 年的顺手牵羊事件之后,阿莫鲁索搬到了加州的旧金山市。身为一位社区大学的中辍生,她当时罹患了疝气,并因此在一家艺术学校担任警卫一职以取得健保资格。百般无聊的她在阅读一本叫作《教傻瓜如何创立 eBay 企业》的书之后便决定创立一家 eBay 在线商店来贩售复古服饰。她将她的 eBay 商店取名为《坏女孩》,那是以爵士歌手贝蒂‧戴维斯的歌曲和专辑而命名,她是传奇人物迈尔斯‧戴维斯的第二任妻子。

  在她的自传《#GIRLBOSS》当中,阿莫鲁索说 eBay 是一个相当重要的平台,因为她学习到如何回应顾客的批评,并真正了解是谁在购买她的商品。一堂帮助她击败其他复古服饰卖家的课程是将她的商品装饰在会吸引她目标顾客群的年轻女孩身上。她用当地餐厅的汉堡当作给模特儿的酬劳这一点也无伤大雅。



