The Most Impressive Invention|印象最深刻的发明

The Most Impressive Invention



  Many interesting and exciting items have been invented over the years. I think that the telephone is the best invention of all. It is so great because it has changed people's lives dramatically. Before the telephone, the most common way to contact people was by sending a letter. However, this took a long time, especially before modern transportation. Likewise, it took a long time for a reply to be received. Today, people can simply pick up the phone and call another person anywhere in the world instead of waiting weeks or months for the mail.

  The speed and convenience of the telephone have made the world a different place in many ways. Businesses can receive orders much faster than in the past. Also, friends and relatives have a more efficient method of keeping in touch. In summary, the invention of the telephone has made life better and more interesting for everyone.





  Of all the great inventions in the history of mankind, my pick for the best is one device that we take for granted today—the telephone. The telephone has revolutionized the way people communicate with each other. By doing so, it has transformed the world, making the distance between people in different parts of the globe far shorter. After it was created and implemented in mainstream society, what would have seemed impossible before the telephone became not only feasible but also commonplace.

  Anyone who doubts that telephones are amazing inventions should imagine life without them. Many people these days have a hard time going five minutes without their cell phones. Try to think what life was like for those living 150 years ago. If they wanted or needed to contact someone, they had to mail a letter, send a telegraph, or, if the distance was not too far, walk, cycle, or ride a horse to contact them. In short, the telephone is a marvelous invention that has had a huge impact on the entire planet.





The Most Impressive Invention|印象最深刻的发明
