Who is the Real Cookie Thief?|谁才是偷饼贼?

Who is the Real Cookie Thief?



  Last Saturday, Jasmine decided to spend a leisurely day at the park. On her way there, she dropped into a convenience store to buy some cookies. When she arrived at the park, every bench was occupied. She spotted a man sitting on a bench in a shady spot. She asked him if she could sit there, too, and he said it was OK.

  Jasmine took out her sketch book and started drawing and eating. She noticed the man was munching on some food, too. When she glanced over to see what he was chewing on, she discovered he was eating her cookies. When the man grabbed the last cookie in the package, broke it in two, and offered Jasmine a piece, she exploded. She scolded him for stealing her cookies. The man said nothing and just smiled. When she arrived home and emptied her backpack, Jasmine understood why. The package of cookies she had bought was lying unopened in her backpack. It was then that she realized she had been accidentally eating the man's cookies all along.





Who is the Real Cookie Thief?|谁才是偷饼贼?
