Pixar: The Incredible Movie-Making Machine(b)|皮克斯:令人惊奇的电影圆梦家

Pixar: The Incredible Movie-Making Machine

by Marcus Maurice

There are very few movie studios that can claim they have never had a flop.

  Pixar and Disney had a contentious relationship after the release of Toy Story because of arguments over money, but Disney ended it by buying Pixar, which made Steve Jobs the biggest shareholder in Disney stock. Eventually, all the troubles were solved through a lot of negotiations and the branding of Disney-Pixar on all the movies.

  Pixar's next release after Toy Story was A Bug's Life. Again, Pixar hit the nail on the head and had a runaway success by all accounts. As a matter of fact, Pixar has never made a movie that was considered a flop. Over the years, Pixar has been one of the most profitable film companies in the world because it usually makes double its production budgets in domestic sales in addition to making a ton of money overseas.

  Pixar's list of hits goes on and on, from Monsters, Inc. to The Incredibles to Finding Nemo. Films such as Wall-E are not just typical children's fare because they have the science fiction that kids love and lovable stories and social commentary. Pixar celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2011 by releasing Cars 2 as well as holding an exhibition of film stills at a museum. Its strategy for the future is to release one original movie every year plus a sequel every two years. This 1.5-movies-per-year-average strategy has worked really well for Pixar in the past, and it's sure to do well for them in the future.




  皮克斯的热门影片名单源源不绝,从《怪兽电力公司》、《超人特攻队》到《海底总动员》。象是《瓦力》等电影并不只是典型的儿童电影,因为他们有孩子们喜爱的科幻小说情节、可爱的故事以及社会评论。皮克斯在 2011 发行《汽车总动员二:世界大赛》以庆祝成立二十五周年,并在博物馆举办电影剧照展。皮克斯的未来策略是每年发行一部原创电影,加上每两年发行一部续集电影。在过去,这种每年平均一点五部电影的策略对皮克斯来说确实执行得很成功,而在未来,他们肯定也会有好的表现。




Pixar: The Incredible Movie-Making Machine(b)|皮克斯:令人惊奇的电影圆梦家
