The Man That Changed the World|改变世界的男人

The Man That Changed the World

by Brian Foden

Steve Jobs was a visionary that was always ahead of his time.

  Steve Jobs grew up in the area south of San Francisco known as Silicon Valley. He lived in a neighborhood of engineers whose weekend activities consisted of working on electronics and other gizmos in their garages. This shaped Jobs' interest in the field as he grew up. When he was 14, Jobs met one of the most important people in his life—19-year-old electronic whiz kid Stephen Wozniak. Five years later, Jobs enrolled at Reed College, an expensive liberal college in Oregon which his parents couldn't really afford. Jobs turned out to be more interested in Eastern philosophy and fruitarian diets than academic studies and dropped out after just one semester. He then lived in a commune where his main activity was growing apples. After a few months, Jobs went back to San Francisco and found a job at Atari, a popular video game company. He used his salary to take a trip to India in order to search for enlightenment. Eventually, he returned to California and began to take an interest in what his friend Wozniak was up to.

  Wozniak was attending regular meetings of the Homebrew Computer Club, which was a group of computer hobbyists. These guys were the real pioneers of the personal computer. Wozniak wanted to build his own motherboard so he could build his own computer. With the knowledge he gained from these meetings and his own exceptional talent, Wozniak accomplished his goal. Jobs quickly saw the business potential. There were lots of software hobbyists and soon they would be able to write software without having to assemble a computer kit first because Jobs convinced Wozniak to start a company just for this purpose. On April 1, 1976, Apple Computer was born.





  渥兹尼克会定期参加私人计算机社团所举办的集会,这个社团是由一群计算机爱好者所组成的团体。这些人是个人计算机真正的先驱。渥兹尼克想要打造自己的主机板,好让他可以组装自己的计算机。藉着由这些会议中得到的知识,以及本身过人的天份,渥兹尼克达成了他的目标。贾伯斯很快地便看见了商机。有许多软件的爱好者,而且不久他们就可以不用先组装整台计算机而可以撰写软件,这是因为贾伯斯说服了渥兹尼克为了这个目的而开了一家公司。1976 年四月一日,苹果计算机诞生了。




The Man That Changed the World|改变世界的男人
