The Jewel of Kutna Hora|库特纳霍拉的瑰宝

The Jewel of Kutna Hora

by Leigh Goldberg

Honoring the patron saint of miners, the Church of Saint Barbara is a sight to behold.

  Have you ever seen the inside of one of the most famous Gothic churches in Europe? _(1)_ Construction started in 1388, when Kutna Hora, a town famous for its silver mines and which is now part of the Czech Republic, was reveling in a period of prosperity. However, progress was slowed during the Hussite Wars in the early 15th century, with many more interruptions over the years due to the depletion of the area's silver. _(2)_

  Aptly named, the church honors the patron saint of miners, Saint Barbara. She protects all those who work with fire and explosives. _(3)_

  The exterior of this UNESCO World Heritage Site boasts majestic double-arched flying buttresses and plenty of ever-watchful gargoyles that are easily seen with the naked eye. _(4)_ The interior space is brought to life with stunning vaulted ceilings, original medieval frescoes illustrating life in the mining town, and enchanting stained glass windows depicting historical events from Kutna Hora's past. _(5)_ Having survived for centuries, the Church of Saint Barbara has lots of stories to tell. If you are thinking of taking a trip to Europe, visiting this spectacular jewel of Kutna Hora would definitely light up your travels.

(A) However, with the help of binoculars, visitors can take in and appreciate all the other unique details placed high up on the church, such as chimeras, bats, demons, winged rams, and even a monkey with an orange.

(B) Rivaling the likes of the Duomo in Milan, St. Vitus Cathedral in Prague, and Notre Dame in Paris, the Church of Saint Barbara is a Gothic structure that has stood the test of time.

(C) Spread throughout the inside are ornately carved artifacts and structures, with the statue of Our Lady Enthroned being the oldest.

(D) The original design was for a much bigger church, which was supposed to be twice this size.

(E) It wasn't until 1905 that the Church of Saint Barbara was actually completed.

(F) Over the years, the residents of Kutna Hora have ensured her support while in the silver mines and sought hope in every aspect of their lives through their dedication to her and the church.




  你曾目睹欧洲最富盛名的哥德式教堂之一的内部景观吗?与米兰的多莫大教堂、布拉格的圣维特大教堂以及巴黎圣母院这类的教堂相媲美,圣芭芭拉大教堂已是一座经得起时间考验的哥德式建筑。建造工程始于 1388 年,当时库特纳霍拉是一座以银矿著称并陶醉于繁荣中的小镇,现今为捷克共和国的一部分。然而,在十五世纪初胡斯战争期间,工程进度放缓,加上多年来由于该地区的银矿枯竭也造成了建筑工程数度中断。直到 1905 年,圣芭芭拉大教堂才真正地竣工。



答案: 1. B 2. E 3. F 4. A 5. C



The Jewel of Kutna Hora|库特纳霍拉的瑰宝
