Science or Liberal Arts?|要读哪一科呢?

Science or Liberal Arts?




  现代社会变动太快,就算是热门科系,你考进去时和毕业时的状况也会有很大的差异,因此在选择就读该科系前务必要了解自己想要往哪方面去攻读,选你所爱。目前适逢毕业前夕,如何选定自己的目标则成了每一个学生必须面临的挑战,请以 "Science or Liberal Arts?" 为题,写一篇文长至少 120 个单词(words)的文章,表达选择就读某一科系的理由。文分两段,第一段点出选择这个领域的益处,第二段则列举这个领域对你在工作上或生活上有什么帮助。





1.   内文的『论点』须站得住脚,否则很难说服你的读者接受你的看法。

2.   内文的『论证』宜讲求方法,合乎逻辑。

3.   内文的『论据』要真实可靠,且要合情合理,不可似是而非或无中生有。










利用 1 W + 1 H (Why & How)

第一段 Why is studying this major better than studying another field?

Studying this field can develop many skills.

Students can learn more specific skills than from other degrees.

第二段 How does having this degree make getting a job easier?

Majoring in this field can give graduates a better chance at finding a job.

Students should definitely consider enrolling in the program they are interested in.

结论句 Students should consider the benefits of the program when deciding what to major in.



主题句:   Although some people may disagree, I believe it's better for students to major in liberal arts than in science.

a.   The critics of liberal arts degrees are wrong.

b.   Studying for a liberal arts degree gives students valuable skills.

c.   Liberal arts students may learn more interesting facts and historical lessons than science ones.

发展句:   A degree in liberal arts is superior to a science degree because it provides young people with skills that enrich their lives in other ways.

a.   Employers value employees with liberal arts degrees.

b.   Having a liberal arts degree allows people to see the world in a different way.

结论句:   Students should consider the benefits of a liberal arts education when deciding what to major in.



  Although some people may disagree, I believe it's better for students to major in liberal arts than in science. Critics of liberal arts often argue that this kind of degree does not prepare students adequately. However, this is not true. In fact, a liberal arts degree provides students with valuable transferable skills, such as critical thinking, communication skills, and flexibility.

  A degree in liberal arts is superior to a science degree because it prepares young people for work and enriches their lives in other ways. In terms of assisting with employment opportunities, this type of education is valued by many employers. The skills gained from a liberal arts education will allow him or her to see the world in a more informed manner, so students should consider the benefits of a liberal arts education when deciding what to major in.




  In my opinion, it's more important for students to study science than liberal arts. There are a number of reasons why I believe this to be true. First, majoring in science is more practical than majoring in liberal arts. In science fields like math, chemistry, and biology, students learn specific and useful skills. On the other hand, liberal arts programs don't focus on skills that can be used in the real world. While liberal arts students may learn interesting facts and historical lessons, this knowledge isn't that useful in everyday life.

  Another reason it's better for students to go into science is that it will make it much easier for them to get a job. There is a shortage of skilled engineers and other scientists. Because of this, finding well-paying jobs isn't hard for science graduates. Therefore, my advice to students just entering university is to major in science.





Science or Liberal Arts?|要读哪一科呢?
