Pens for Ploughshares: Urban Workers Return to Rural Hometowns(a)

Pens for Ploughshares: Urban Workers Return to Rural Hometowns


  In the wake of Taiwan's many years of rapid economic development, problems such as excessively long work hours and increasingly distant interpersonal and familial relationships are becoming issues for our society. When young workers from rural areas compare the rising cost of city life with their low starting salaries, the urban rat race loses still more of its luster. Taiwan's working-age population has long flowed out of the countryside and into the cities in search of better opportunities. This trend has begun reversing course over the last decade, with many rural areas seeing the return of familiar faces.

  Times are changing, which is helped by the contemporary redefinitions of success. Where there used to be widespread envy for the highly-paid, white-collar lifestyle, we now see many people choosing personal fulfillment over the acquisition of wealth. This makes the prospect of leaving the city for one's rural hometown still more appealing. As a result, growing numbers of people who have chosen to pursue careers in the city are now asking themselves if they are truly living the life they want. Some are going further, giving up white-collar, urban jobs to take up farming and other pastoral pursuits, going into the creative and cultural industries in an effort to inject a new vibrancy to their neighborhoods, or applying their professional skills to the revitalization of their hometowns. These individuals haven't failed to make it in the city. Instead, their desire to get back to the country represents a first step on their path to settling down. Naturally, the benefits from all these people returning home don't run just one way. While some individuals are busy reinvigorating their hometowns, others are learning life lessons for themselves.

  随着多年来台湾经济的快速发展,超时工作及人际与家庭关系逐渐疏离等问题已成了我们社会所面临的课题。来自乡村地区的年轻人若拿城市地区日渐高涨的生活费用和他们很低的起薪来做比较,便会觉得城市中永无休止的竞争更失其光环。台湾的工作人口长期以来都由乡村地区涌入城市去找寻更好的工作机会。而随着许多熟面孔返回乡村地区,这样的趋势在过去 10 年来已开始逆转。




Pens for Ploughshares: Urban Workers Return to Rural Hometowns(a)
