No More Sensational News|耸动新闻别再来

No More Sensational News



  近来,各家媒体争相报导一些耸动的新闻,使得原本单纯的新闻传达产生了不少乱象,因此如何针对此状况加以防治便成了有关单位刻不容缓的课题。请以 "No More Sensational News" 为题,写一篇文长至少 120 个单词(words)的文章,表达媒体乱象的严重性。文分两段,第一段点出近来有哪些耸动的新闻及其造成的影响,第二段则列举如何改善及防止媒体乱象的方法。




1.   『论点』需站得住脚,否则很难说服读者。

2.   『论证』宜讲求方法,合乎逻辑。

3.   『论据』要真实可靠,不可似是而非或无中生有。



    媒体报导李宗瑞(Justin Lee)性侵事件带来的乱象。





利用 2 W (What, Why) + 1 H (How)

第一段 What sensational news has been in the media recently?

How does sensational news influence people?

第二段 Why should the media reduce sensationalism?

What is the solution to ending sensationalism?

结论句 The government must make laws to stop the media from

sensationalizing the news so much.


主题句:   There has been a lot of sensational news in the media lately.

a.   A good example of this is the case of Justin Lee.

b.   The media seems to love this story and has often reported on it.

c.   Another example involves stories about the low salaries that young people in Taiwan receive.

d.   Through constant repetition, the media harms society by worrying and upsetting readers and viewers.

发展句:   I think that sensationalism in the media needs to be reduced for the sake of the general public.

a.   We could ask the media to try to control itself, but I don't believe that will work.

b.   Even if a portion of the media improved, the rest would continue to show a lot of sensational news.

c.   In my opinion, there is only one real solution.

结论句:   The government must make laws to stop the media from sensationalizing the news so much.


  There has been a lot of sensational news in the media lately. A good example of this is the Justin Lee case. Lee was arrested for raping many women after he had drugged them. The media seems to love this story and has often reported on it. Another example involves stories about the low salaries that young people in Taiwan receive. Repeating the story harms society by worrying and upsetting people.

  Sensationalism in the media needs to be reduced for the sake of the general public. We could ask the media to try to control itself, but I doubt it would be effective. Even if part of the media improved, the remainder would continue to show sensational news. For me, there is only one real solution. The government must make laws to stop the media from sensationalizing the news so much.




  It seems that the media is only full of sensational news these days. For example, we often read about how Justin Lee drugged and raped many women, many of whom were celebrities. Other sensational news that has constantly been on TV and in newspapers recently concerns low wages for young people. Not only do news outlets hype up this issue, but they find any way they can to make people feel bad about it. Basically the media ends up exerting a negative influence on the general public.

  Something needs to be done to help prevent the media from sensationalizing the news. If you ask me, allowing news organizations to regulate themselves would be futile because they have already proven themselves to be incapable of restraint. Therefore, I believe the government needs to step in to monitor the media. The only way to ensure the news media acts responsibly is to make sure there are regulations in place.





No More Sensational News|耸动新闻别再来
