All Are Welcome at the Soul Kitchen|来者不拒的心灵厨房

All Are Welcome at the Soul Kitchen

by Marcus Maurice

Jon Bon Jovi runs a pay-what-you-can restaurant in New Jersey.

  Jon Bon Jovi spent a Friday a few months ago at the White House in Washington, DC. He was giving his input to the Council for Community Solutions, which he is part of. Afterwards, he jumped on the train and headed to his restaurant, Soul Kitchen, in Red Bank, New Jersey. There, he headed to the back and spent the rest of the night washing dishes. Now, this might seem like a job beneath a multi-millionaire and one of the world's biggest rock stars, but his restaurant is so unique that he has poured his blood, sweat, and tears into it.

  At the Soul Kitchen, there are no prices for the gourmet-quality food. Instead, customers pay what they can afford. If they don't have enough money for food, they can volunteer at the restaurant for a few hours and get a certificate for a meal. The idea for this unique community restaurant came to Bon Jovi during the recent economic downturn. He said that most people don't want handouts and feel embarrassed if they have to go to a soup kitchen. He decided to give people proper food in a nice restaurant that they could feel good about going to. The catch was they either had to pay or spend time cleaning, cooking, or serving food.

  The Soul Kitchen has become a success because a unique community has been built up around it. Bon Jovi feels that food is a great equalizer when everyone is eating the same things. The Soul Kitchen is his way of saying that everyone is welcome at his table.

     1.     Why was Bon Jovi at the White House?

(A) To meet with President Obama.

(B) To get investors for the Soul Kitchen.

(C) To perform in a concert.

(D) To give his thoughts on a community group.

     2.     According to the article, why doesn't the Soul Kitchen have prices for its meals?

(A) People can volunteer to work for a meal.

(B) All the food is free because the owner is a billionaire.

(C) It's a soup kitchen established by a local charity.

(D) The prices are too expensive to put on the menu.

     3.     What does the word catch mean in the second paragraph?

(A) Eating for free.

(B) An unsuspected condition.

(C) Capturing the food themselves.

(D) To lie about their finances.

     4.     What does Bon Jovi say about food in the final paragraph?

(A) It can only be eaten by a select few.

(B) Good meals make everyone feel equal.

(C) Quality meals taste much better at his restaurant.

(D) The Soul Kitchen only sells organic vegetables.






答案: 1.   D   2.   A   3.   B   4.   B


  邦乔飞乐团由主唱琼.邦乔飞在 1983 年创立,其成员包括了吉他手 Richie Sambora、键盘手 David Bryan、贝斯手 Alec John Such 和鼓手 Tico Torres。除了贝斯手在 1994 年离开(使乐团减少为 4 人),乐团的原班人马在一起已经 28 年了。乐团的《难以捉摸》(Slippery When Wet)(1986)和《纽泽西》(New Jersey)(1988)获得了巨大的成功,仅仅在美国就卖出了 1 千 9 百万张,8 首歌进入十大金曲排行榜,使乐团成为全球著名的摇滚巨星。

  在不停的巡回演唱之后,乐团在 1990 年于纽泽西演唱时出现了分歧,在这段时间里琼.邦乔飞和吉他手瑞奇都发行了个人专辑。1992 年,乐团带着双白金唱片《保持信念》(Keep the Faith)回归,从此以后在 1990 年代和 2000 年代又陆续发行了一系列白金唱片。(数据源:维基百科)



All Are Welcome at the Soul Kitchen|来者不拒的心灵厨房
