Tech Toys 360|科技新创意

Tech Toys 360

by Marcus Maurice

Check out the latest in supercars this month on National Geographic Channel.

  The first advertisement for a supercar appeared in a newspaper in 1920. Back then, people were just starting to develop a fetish for cars that were fast, flashy, and expensive. In the 90-plus years since, car lovers have spent exorbitant amounts of money on extravagant vehicles. By definition, supercars are sleek and eye-catching, and are usually limited editions from elite automakers. Many people think that Lexus, Mercedes-Benz, and BMW are supercar brands, but they only make luxury cars which many people can afford. Instead, unfamiliar names like Soleil Motors, Koenigsegg Automotive, and GTA Motors have taken the lead in the development of supercars.

  This month on National Geographic Channel (NGC), Tech Toys 360 heads to Monaco to discover the latest in supercars. First up is Keating Automotive's ZKR, which is equipped with a turbocharged engine to help it achieve its goal of reaching the unprecedented speed of 300 miles per hour. Another vehicle, the Anadi from Italian carmaker Soleil Motors, is using advanced technology in its design. In its engine, the use of magnets reduces fuel consumption. The Spada Codatronca Monza is another supercar that amazes as soon as eyes are laid on it. It is based on the all-American Corvette, but it's made with Italian engineering.

  All of these vehicles are stunning, but there is something else about them that is mind-blowingtheir price. If you have any desire to purchase any of these supercars, the minimum you will have to spend is US$250,000. While it's a steep price, it may be worth having a one-of-a-kind car that will have everyone talking.



  超级跑车的广告首次出现在 1920 年的报纸上。在那个时候,人们才刚开始迷恋那种又快、又炫而且还很昂贵的车辆。自从 1990 年代以来,车辆的爱好者花了大把钞票在那些极尽奢华的车款上。根据定义而言,超级跑车既时尚又吸睛,这些跑车通常都是高档车辆制造商推出的限量款。许多人认为 Lexus、Mercedes-Benz 及 BMW都是超级跑车的厂牌,不过这些公司只是制造很多人都买得起的豪华轿车。反而是一些陌生的品牌,像是 Soleil Motors、Koenigsegg Automotive 以及 GTA Motors 在研发超级跑车方面一直是名列前茅。

  这个月国家地理频道的《科技新创意》系列将前往摩纳哥去探索最新款的超级跑车。首先是 Keating Automotive 公司的 ZKR,它配备有涡轮增压引擎以帮助其达到前所未有时速 300 英里的目标。另一款车是意大利汽车制造商 Soleil Motors 所出产的 Anadi,它将高科技运用在其设计上。这辆车的引擎运用磁铁来降低油耗。Spada Codatronca Monza 则是另一辆第一眼便会抓住众人目光的超级跑车。它的车型是以美国本土产的 Corvette 车型为蓝本,但却是由意大利工程团队所打造。

  所有这些车款都很令人惊奇,但关于它们还有一点会令人震惊──那就是它们的价格。你若想购买其中任何一款超级跑车,至少要花费 25 万美元。虽然这是天价,但拥有一辆众人都在讨论且独一无二的车款还是蛮值得的。


  超级跑车(supercar)简称超跑,指在所有跑车中拥有究极性能的车款。现今的超级跑车多拥有以下特质:外型绚丽夺目能吸引众人目光、内装富有浓厚战斗感、数量相当稀少、车价昂贵(至少数百万以上台币)、可输出近 5 百匹马力或甚至更高、车重控制于 1 千 9 百公斤以下、加速到时速 1 百公里时间低于 4 秒、极速突破 3 百公里、车身设计重视空力特性与高科技材质运用。




Tech Toys 360|科技新创意
