It's Tough Being a Teen|青少年真辛苦

It's Tough Being a Teen




  今日的青少年往往要面临许多问题和压力,使得他们经常感到喘不过气。因此,青少年要如何面对和处理这些问题就成了一道刻不容缓的重要课题。请写一篇约 120 150 个单词(words)的英文作文,文分两段,第一段以 The teenage years can be the toughest stage of a person's life. 开头;第二段则以 How teenagers handle all these problems is important. 开头并加以发展。



1.   主题句引导写作(guided writing)必须使用所指定的主题句(topic sentence)作为段落的开头,以主题句开头后,接着以下段落所有的句子都必须支持这个主题的指示方向进行,也就是思路的发展要符合主题句,如此才不会离题。

2.   依据提示的主题句,第一段重点在于说明身为青少年为何辛苦以及会面临哪些问题,第二段则说明如何处理这些问题以及身边的人要如何对青少年伸出援手。



第一段:   说明身为青少年为何辛苦以及会面临哪些问题,写作重点在于 why what,以 4 6 句列举青少年觉得辛苦的原因以及在这个年纪所会面临的问题。

第二段:   说明如何处理这些问题以及身边的人要如何对青少年伸出援手,写作重点在于 how what,以 4 6 句列举青少年处理问题的方法,最后再提出身边的人应该要给予青少年何种帮助。



利用 2 W (why + what) + 1 H (how)

第一段 a. Why is being a teenager tough?

b. What are some problems facing teenagers?

第二段 a. How can teenagers deal with their problems?

b. What can others do to help teenagers?

结论句 Parents and friends should listen patiently and offer good advice to help teenagers get through this difficult stage.



第一段引导句:The teenage years can be the toughest stage of a person's life.

a.   Teenagers are no longer children, but they aren't quite adults, either.

b.   The relationship between teenagers and their parents changes a lot and can cause problems within families.

c.   Friends become bigger influences in the lives of teenagers.

d.   Peer pressure can make them confused and do things that may have negative results.

第二段引导句:How teenagers deal with all these problems is important.

a.   One way of dealing with the difficulties is to understand that they are a natural part of life.

b.   Talking about problems with others can be helpful.

c.   If teens can find trustworthy people to talk with, this period of their lives may go smoothly.

第二段结论句:Parents and friends should listen patiently and offer good advice to help teenagers get through this difficult stage.



  The teenage years can be the toughest stage of a person's life. Teenagers are no longer children, but they also aren't quite adults yet. This means the relationship between teenagers and their parents changes a lot and can cause problems within families. In addition, friends become bigger influences in the lives of teenagers. Peer pressure can make them confused and do things that may have negative results, such as rebelling against authority. Also, this is the time when hormones first start raging inside their bodies.

  How teenagers handle all these problems is important. One way of dealing with the difficulties is to understand that they are a natural part of life. Talking about problems with others can be helpful. If teens can find trustworthy people to talk with, this period of their lives may go smoothly. Parents and friends should listen patiently and offer good advice to help teenagers get through this difficult stage.




  The teenage years can be the toughest stage of a person's life. A person's teenage years are full of all types of challenges. It's at this stage that problems at school and at home are most likely to emerge. Regarding problems at home, the relationship between teens and their parents undergoes dramatic changes. At school, classes become more difficult and friendships get more complicated. All these challenges can seem overwhelming to those in their teens.

  How teenagers handle all these problems is important. In reality, there are many places where students can go for assistance. If parents are unable to help their sons or daughters in this regard, school counselors may be able to provide advice and guidance. It takes courage for teens to seek help, but their problems may have negative consequences if they are simply ignored.





It's Tough Being a Teen|青少年真辛苦
