A Blessing in Disguise|塞翁失马,焉知非福

A Blessing in Disguise





1.   看图作文在于描述图片的内容,也就是图中人物(包括脸部表情、情绪、穿     着、人物间的互动等)、时间、地点和事件等信息的细节串连起来描写或叙述,一般会以下列两种方式来呈现:

           *描述文(description)→ 根据图中主角姓名,以第三人称的观点来描述或解读图片的内容。

           *叙述文(narration)→ 笔者本身融入图中其中一个角色,用第一人称的观点来叙述故事情节。

2.   不管采取描述文或叙述文,都要牢记运用想象力和逻辑思考先构思出一个合理的剧情,亦即重点分明,有开头、发展、结尾,以求故事情节之前后连贯。

3.   善用转折语来串连每张图之间的关系或发展,方能写出流畅的看图说故事,而非天马行空的跳跃式描述或叙述。再者,随着故事发展,可适度对图中人物的情绪变化多加着墨,让文章内容更丰富、更具可读性。




一个男子从刚开始上班就很倒霉,不只是复印机出问题 → 连在需要计算机的同时,它也当机了 → 当他忙得焦头烂额时,一直在关心他的女同事适时地伸出了援手。



故事设定   主 题 A bad day is a blessing in disguise.

      时 地 Yesterday, at Kevin's office

      人 物 Kevin, Gwen, colleagues

写作大纲   引导句 Yesterday started off badly for Kevin.

      发展句 图一    First, when Kevin used the photocopier, it went crazy.

           图二    Kevin's computer crashed, and he didn't know what to do.

           图三    Kevin was surprised to hear a sweet voice asking if he needed some help.

      结论句 To show his appreciation, Kevin promised to take her out for a nice dinner.



  Yesterday started off badly for Kevin. He was using the photocopier when it went crazy. It started making really loud noises and sounded as if it might explode at any second. Pieces of paper shot out until it stopped working altogether. Kevin went to call the repair company. However, before he could make the call, his computer crashed. This was double the trouble because Kevin needed to print out and make copies of quite a few files on his hard drive for an important meeting that day.

  At that moment, Kevin felt like crying. Then he heard a sweet voice asking if he needed any help. It was his colleague, Gwen. She had seen that Kevin had been stressed out for some time and took the opportunity to offer some assistance. She calmly went over to the copier, pulled some pieces of paper out, and got it to work again. Kevin then told her about his computer, and with the push of a few buttons, it was back to normal. To show his appreciation, Kevin promised to take her out for a nice dinner.


     She had seen that Kevin had been stressed out for some time and...





A Blessing in Disguise|塞翁失马,焉知非福
