The Fashion of Economics|时尚经济

by Rebecca A. Fratzke

As the world's economy changes, fashion trends reflect whether it's getting better or worse.

For years, people have been watching how the hemlines of women's skirts and dresses rise and fall. This is not because they are interested in fashion or an attractive pair of legs. It actually has to do with a country's economic standing. _(1)_ This means the shorter the skirt, the better the economy.

This belief, known as the hemline theory, was taken seriously for many years beginning in the 1920s. One reason it held true was that when times were good, fabric producers charged more for their materials, causing designers to cut costs by raising hems. _(2)_

However, times have changed. With so many different styles of dresses and skirts available, it is next to impossible to rely on the hemline theory anymore. _(3)_ It just means there's a new theory that rings true, and it's called the basics theory. _(4)_ When times are good, people spend more money and take more risks with their wardrobe. If a new fashion trend becomes popular and sticks, it shows that people are in a good position to dish out some extra money on a daring new outfit. _(5)_

(A) Another reason was that during that time, when real silk stockings were worn, women wanted to show off when they could afford them and cover up when they couldn't.

(B) Many news organizations have reported that people can tell whether the economy is doing well or not by the length of women's hemlines.

(C) Although the theories have changed, miniskirts still seem to indicate that the economy is sitting pretty, as are the women wearing them.

(D) Yet, this does not mean fashion and economics are no longer connected.

(E) Now, when times are rough, people are generally only willing to buy basic pieces to replace the worn out ones in their wardrobe.




这种看法被称为『裙襬理论』,在 1920 年代初期开始受到重视且行之多年。该理论之所以有道理其中一个原因就是,当时局好时,布料商会收较多材料费,促使设计师提高裙襬高度来削减成本。另一个原因是因为当时女性穿的是真正的丝袜,她们会想要在能买得起丝袜时多加炫耀,买不起时就把腿遮起来。


答案:    B   A   D   E   C



The Fashion of Economics|时尚经济
